// using pre-connect and dns-prefetch to establish third party connections early


Frequently Asked Questions

These are the common questions our users ask and the best solutions to them

What exactly is MyFund?

How do I earn income from MyFund?

What is the minimum amount for monthly savings?

If I've cumulatively saved up to N100,000 in my Savings, can I move it to Investment?

What is Ownership Investment?

What is the charge on withdrawals?

How much do I get on Referrals?

Why choose MyFund when there are other piggybank platforms out there?

What exactly is MyFund Fractional Ownership Investment (FOI) Plan?

Can I transfer my earnings to my children when I'm gone?

I want to withdraw immediately. What is the break fee?

What does Fractional Investment mean?

What percentage is charged on my rent when I buy properties

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.