The TRUE Way toSave
Earn 20% p.a. every January & July!
Earn lifetime rent from our hostels.
Dr Tee x TVC
If you are looking to become a landlord, here is one way to start
How it Works

Enter at Stage 4
Create an account with your email on the mobile or web app.
Grow Your Funds
Save to the millions using transfers or cards, as you earn 20% ROI.
Acquire Assets!
Earn lifetime rent via our hostels to reach financial freedom at Stage 9.
What We Offer
MyFund helps working- and retiring-class people save towards properties. Unlike the currently available solutions, MyFund offers lifetime rental income via our national hostel project.

To become the go-to platform in the country for the working-class people for real estate investments with 1 million financially free families by 2045.
To provide working- and retiring-class people the opportunity to earn passive income from real estate.
Lifetime Rental Income
Earn lifetime rental income from owning fractions of any of our hostels across campuses across the country by growing your funds on the platform towards it
Monthly Cashflow Game
The free monthly cashflow game stengthens our community to learn to become financially free with fake money. And each month we get a new winner that we spotlight on our platforms. Join us every second Sunday of the month, 8pm on Google Meet.